Taking some time off  

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ugh, it seems like we have been busy every weekend since the beginning of March! A trip to Moses Lake here Swimming at the Aquatics Center there. Trips to Portland and Olympia. My goodness we have been busy.

There is another trip this weekend but, I'm staying home. Dh needs some care and feeding. Last week he got a call back from the "HMO". "Hey, you remember when you sprained your wrist? Well....someone read the x-ray wrong.....it was broken. Could you come in and get another x-ray?"

We are still waiting to hear back from them. I wonder if it will take another two and a half months. Sheesh, and people actually want to increase their tax dollars to pay for socialized medicine. Yeah, we'll all have equally crappy medical care.

Oh well, we are going to hide out all weekend watching movies. I have Fireproof, and Twilight to watch. This will be the third time I've seen Twilight. No I don't think it's that spectacular it's just that I saw it first with a friend then with the girls and now I will see it with dh. I haven't seen Fireproof yet. I have heard it's good though.

Meanwhile, some "people" get to go to Disneyland. Have Fun....you.


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